Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day!!!!

Hi guys! I hope everyone had a super-fantabulous-awesome-Amazing Valentines Day and got to spend lots of time with loved ones! I love a day totally dedicated to celebrating our loved ones, how fun!

So, with my Valentines Day, first I cleaned the house and studied for a few hours. Then the fun began! Julia and Ashlyn came over and we made valentines cupcakes which was so fun! After delivering some of the cupcakes to Julia’s young women leader, we went to old town Murrieta and took some pictures! We got there right at sunset, which was sooo pretty!

We stopped by Plowboys and got some chocolate covered treats, yum!

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Ashlyn and Julia with their chocolate :)

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This picture is one of my favorites from the whole night! They are such pretty girls!

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Haha, we were in front of a funeral house for these pictures, Julia is so silly!

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I really liked how the sky looks in this picture!

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I like how this picture is at an angle. So cool!

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Afterward the photo shoot, we grabbed some food and went back to my place to eat. What a fun night it was! I’m so lucky to have my awesome friends :)

