Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Counting Blessings

It is 2:30 am right now. Why, might you ask, am I writing a blog post at 2:30 in the morning? Oh, just for fun. Not!

I can’t sleep. Still! And I am about to go mad because:

1. I can’t sleep

2. I have sneezed every 3 minutes for about the last 5 hours

3. I have the hiccups!

Aggghhhhh it’s like the whole universe is against me right now!!!! So, for the purpose of optimism and spirituality or something I think I’ll count some blessings. I am grateful for:

1. My laptop that allows me to do schoolwork and check emails and write blog posts all at the same time! Woohoo!

2. Water. I love water. Especially to drink. and to shower in. but not at the same time. that’s just weird.

3. Seminary. It is fun and happy and we have very spiritual lessons, which is always a fun way to start the day.

4. Airplanes because they take us everywhere we need to go! Or want to go! Really fast!

5. Notebooks. I have about a bazillion different notebooks to write quotes and ideas and random thoughts and stuff I’m grateful for and everything else! I love notebooks! Especially when they are decorated really cute.

6. No hiccups! They went away. Yay!

7. My fingers. Kind of weird thing to be grateful for, but I’ve thought about them a lot today. They help me type up assignments and play the piano and flute and do so many other things.

Yaaaay! I feel so much better now :) I think I might just be able to fall asleep. Goodnight!



Monday, February 21, 2011

Full Speed Ahead

As all of you know, I got a cauterization done on Thursday, which was soooo painful! Unfortunately, I have been resting/crying in bed for the last several days. BUT! Good News! Today I feel soooooo much better and am able to read and write and move around and feel good again! No More Pain! WooHooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad that I finally feel better today and am praying that it lasts. Also, Happy President’s Day! Everyone is out of school today which is super fun! Sadly, Mom and Dad still have work today, and it’s super busy down at the clinic meaning late night work. Kind of sad, but a blessing at the same time. Anyway, have a super fantabulous amazing awesome day today!



PS I dyed my hair brown on Wednesday last week! Since I’ve been recovering I haven’t been able to put up a pic yet (Mom told me I looked like I was run over by a truck), but I’ll try and have one up tomorrow! Till then, here is an adorable picture of Baby (our puppy) when she was little, sleeping on my shoe. <3


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day!!!!

Hi guys! I hope everyone had a super-fantabulous-awesome-Amazing Valentines Day and got to spend lots of time with loved ones! I love a day totally dedicated to celebrating our loved ones, how fun!

So, with my Valentines Day, first I cleaned the house and studied for a few hours. Then the fun began! Julia and Ashlyn came over and we made valentines cupcakes which was so fun! After delivering some of the cupcakes to Julia’s young women leader, we went to old town Murrieta and took some pictures! We got there right at sunset, which was sooo pretty!

We stopped by Plowboys and got some chocolate covered treats, yum!

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Ashlyn and Julia with their chocolate :)

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This picture is one of my favorites from the whole night! They are such pretty girls!

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Haha, we were in front of a funeral house for these pictures, Julia is so silly!

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I really liked how the sky looks in this picture!

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I like how this picture is at an angle. So cool!

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Afterward the photo shoot, we grabbed some food and went back to my place to eat. What a fun night it was! I’m so lucky to have my awesome friends :)



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just Play it Cool

Double theme title! Okay, first off, Tuesday was my Birthday, YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I’m seventeen and old and celebrating all month long WEEEEEEEEEE! My Birthday was fun Smile I liked it and got a cake (Thank you Julia !!!) and went shopping! I’ll have pics up of the shirt and vest I got soon.

Okay, Thursday was a VERY important day! First, I finally got to see Ashlyn play soccer! She was sooooo fantastic! I’ve heard soccer was rough but oh my goodness, they were nearly killing each other out there! Sooo intense! Ash, you were so great!

Thursday night, I got to see Julia perform in West Side Story! The show was aMaZiNg, with totally awesome music and choreography and it was so great! (PS, the Play it Cool in the title is WSS inspired :) What a night!   Thanks Michael for going to all the awesome events with me!

So, Saturday we went to the Wild Animal Park! Woohoo! There was the cuuuutest baby elephant (six and a half weeks old!)

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Eeeeeeee don’t you just want to cuddle it forever???? Also, there was a baby giraffe!!!!!

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We got annual passes to the zoo. Baby animals whenever I want for the rest of the year EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!And there is a hot air balloon there, Yaaaaay!

Annnd, today was just a Wonderful Sunday! Good meetings and cute clothes and the whole she-bang.

Happy day before Heart Day!

Love, Chelsey

PS I think my blog is starting to sound a bit too much like the ‘Seriously, So Blessed’ blog :D