It is 2:30 am right now. Why, might you ask, am I writing a blog post at 2:30 in the morning? Oh, just for fun. Not!
I can’t sleep. Still! And I am about to go mad because:
1. I can’t sleep
2. I have sneezed every 3 minutes for about the last 5 hours
3. I have the hiccups!
Aggghhhhh it’s like the whole universe is against me right now!!!! So, for the purpose of optimism and spirituality or something I think I’ll count some blessings. I am grateful for:
1. My laptop that allows me to do schoolwork and check emails and write blog posts all at the same time! Woohoo!
2. Water. I love water. Especially to drink. and to shower in. but not at the same time. that’s just weird.
3. Seminary. It is fun and happy and we have very spiritual lessons, which is always a fun way to start the day.
4. Airplanes because they take us everywhere we need to go! Or want to go! Really fast!
5. Notebooks. I have about a bazillion different notebooks to write quotes and ideas and random thoughts and stuff I’m grateful for and everything else! I love notebooks! Especially when they are decorated really cute.
6. No hiccups! They went away. Yay!
7. My fingers. Kind of weird thing to be grateful for, but I’ve thought about them a lot today. They help me type up assignments and play the piano and flute and do so many other things.
Yaaaay! I feel so much better now :) I think I might just be able to fall asleep. Goodnight!